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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why should boys have all the fun?

Image courtesy: Getty Images

“But I kicked him out,” said she and giggled. “It is me who makes decision here and it is my way or I show them the highway,” she continued.
Now before you are too scared. Fear not. There are too many perks involved in being with her. And that is precisely the reason that she changes the men in her life with more ease than most women (like me) can afford new footwear. The best part is that there is no constraint. Age, religion, caste, marital status blah blah holds no bar. All she wants is just to live for the moment and have some good fun. And why not she doesn't need a man to support her? She is hot and not old. She is established. Sexually independentl and at times too much to handle.
The best part is that here is a woman who knows her mind. “I am not looking to marry them,” she clearly pronounces. Well, isn't she then every man's delight? But hey! Why do the exit happen at such regular intervals? Why does the search for the next man happen so random? Why does the sadness of loneliness and insecurity reflects in her eyes? Why is she the first one to come to work and the last to shut down (even when there is no work)? Why does her laughter never co-ordinate with her eyes?
Whoever thought that she is a rare specie, well, look harder. She is growing in numbers and statistics. She is the new, single woman. Afraid to commit. Scared to share her space. Madly in love with her independence. Yet doesn't have much hangs up to express her sexuality and fulfill her needs. Successful and intelligent. But alone, all alone...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pyaar Hua...Ikrar Hua

Image Courtesy: Google Images

The good old days of romance will never be back and it is depressing. Now, I come from a family which is renowned to have successful love stories running for generations. Exceptions do exist and please don't embarrass me by probing any further. Well, that's another story.
The stories run deep in my family yet with every generation the essence of love is getting diluted. Now, I don't know how the main characters in the stories feel about it but sidies like me who are mere spectators feel disappointed.
To begin with the technology-edge have really been a spoilt sport. What happened to the days of good old letters? When people became pen friends first and wrote just letters to each other for months before even catching a glimpse. Here we are when emails, smses and mobiles just kill the thrill of suspending romance. Will love letters die an unnatural death? Hey, come on guys! You can do better. Keep writing letters and preserve each one of them to pass onto the next generation.
Web cams is another culprit of the present days. The days when lovers use to cycle out miles or traverse through various difficulties just to meet the significant other. How can web cams etc. give you the charm of meeting the special one after waiting for days and planning meticulously to avoid onlookers?
The worst spoiler is our broadminded upbringing. We are the generation of instant gratification. Let us check each other out first seems to be the new mantra. Can we compensate for the romantic era of holding hands and just staring at each other as if the world has just passed by? Things would go with the flow and just a glimpse of the someone special would be enough to sustain the other.
People would just elope and financials were overlooked but does it happen in these days? We train ourselves to fall in love with someone who is comfortable. So no scope for rebel or the ideal story of rich girl meeting a poor guy and vice versa. No running. No resistance. The concept of love cum arranged is the new arrangement where everyone is happy. Now it is not that I am complaining. Who am I to complain and for what do I raise my voice? But wish the flavour of those days romance do make a successful comeback where to love was never a well-thought arrangement. It just happened...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Image courtesy: Getty Images

Father's Day sneaked past and I had nothing special to speak to my baba (dad). Quite embarrassingly it was way past afternoon that I even remembered the occasion which is very usual of me. I am oh-so-miserable with dates.
I wanted to say many things to him but the minute I heard his voice, my thoughts evaporated and my message got lost somewhere. Can't blame anyone, my growing up days were different from the present generation. Being the only man in the household, we all loved him yet he commanded a respect which kept us distant from him. He was dearly loved but kept at a comfortable distance out of respect for the position he held as the “Head of the family”. Maa was more accessible and Baba was like the demi-God in the household whom everybody worshiped.
This is to let you know that my life wouldn't be the same without u, baba. Just because I don't open up to you doesn't mean that I don't care or love you any less. Be there for me like you've always been.
Here's a list of things for which it's time to say thanks:
For making me sit on that small red seat on your cycle which you specially got made for me and taking me everywhere with you
For burning the midnight oil with me after work to ensure that I clear my first Board Examination with passing marks in Maths
For pushing me out of home and preaching me all the way to fight my own battles, so what if I am a girl
For telling me countless times (despite my irritation) to be careful while crossing the road and in life knowing how I always tend to invite accidents
For never compromising with my education and putting me to the best of schools even if that meant forgoing a lot of luxury in life
For wishing the best for me and finding a life partner (even if the decision went wrong somewhere)
For being there for me when I am at the worst phase of my life and sometimes fighting hard for me with the rest of the world
For warning me everyday to be cautious and bombarding me with questions just to clear my mind
For calling me without fail whenever I am down and out just to tell me that I belong to you
Thank You! Baba, for being in my life. For letting me know that I'll always be your child no matter what. For trusting me with the biggest decisions in my life.
Life wouldn't have been the same without you. Guess that is why the Almighty made Fathers in this world to make life a little more easy for many daughters like me.
Keep healthy always because we need our fathers no matter where we go.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads and my dad too!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Geek and gossip: The Road-ies!!

Geek and gossip: The Road-ies!!

The Road-ies!!

Image courtesy: Getty Images

My city H is still coming to terms with women drivers. The general opinion about my tribe is that we don't know how to drive. Either we are over cautious or too scared to face the road. But, hey!! What about women who don't fit the bill? Women who are fiery and driving through a hectic schedule. Indeed we are misfits and the reactions we generate ranges from being annoying to hilarious.
On the road in my city is a big battle. Everybody and anybody is in great hurry as their entire existence depends on cutting your way and taking the turn just an inch before you. So how does my city and my people here deal with outcasts like us:
They stare and stare and stare, sadly even when you look at them they are unfazed. Even sadder the fact that the glares come mostly from unwanted sources (not even a pleasant face to mistakenly feel good about it)
The pedestrians feel that your mode of transport is an exclusive gift from the Almighty while the tyres are made of an out-of-the-world material so they have all the liberty to catwalk right infront (thinking that even when you hit them, it wouldn't hurt at all)
The more adventurous lot try to scare you by coming too closer and when you aren't they get dejected and freeze right infront of you (perhaps testing your vocabulary competency in hurdling abuses else you know you'll lose touch of the bad words)
Beware because some of them can fall in love with you immensely and might feel that it is their duty to follow you everywhere (even at places where your telecom provider fails to extend its network)
The more chauvinist types would simply shake their head when you overtake them and might give you a long lecture if you happen to stop by on why women should stay away from roads (ditto on why women should stay away from workplaces)
Some experiences are too original and people specific. Do let me know if you some of those unique experiences to share. Finally a message to my city people: Please get used to the idea that there are exceptions to every rule and we, women on the road make it a pleasing site, if nothing else, what say?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Just another day!

Image courtesy: Getty Images

The day began just as usual. A busy Monday with the blues striking high. The morning was as expected. The usual distasteful yet healthy gulp of the cereals courtesy the after affect of getting up late. Then she maneuvered her away to work amidst the screeching horns and the reckless driving because it is Monday and everybody is in hurry.
And what a start she told herself. The series of meetings and the blame-me-not games played. The shabby work of some where the only saving grace was the solitary location of her cabin where she can hide her face and pretend the world didn't exist. She knew nothing is going to change. She is young getting older, reasonably good looking, successful to an extent yet single. Soon she'll reach her expiry date and be declared a spinster for life.
Everyday the frantic calls from the desperate parents didn't make life any more pleasant. She too wanted somebody to come home to. Somebody to hold her tight and wade off the odd dreams. Somebody to tell her, “Honey! Don't worry it's all right to grow old because I would still love you. It's all right to put on the extra kilos because I'll always be madly in love with you. It's all right to not look good in some days because you'll always be beautiful to me.”
But knew things might not change and the way the week looks it won't change. She has no life because she chose not to have one. She pretended to be busy and loaded with work because she had no one.
Will the week bring a new change of events? Hope is all she has...and let's hope that her hope remains alive and she is able to survive one more week.
Here's wishing her and many more like her the very best!