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Friday, December 20, 2013

Woman, You can!

Suddenly, my workplace has gained a new happiness. People around me seem to be happier. More relaxed and stress-free. Do you know the reason why?
Answer, is that it is holiday time for kids and wives are leaving town to join their families. To add to the icing is that they are leaving behind their men. The men are ecstatic because they hardly get opportunities to re-live their bachelorhood days. Enjoy their me-time and party out with friends. The countable separation days become occasion to celebrate. While their women suffer in silence missing their presence all around.

Wonder, why do men feel so caged around their women? Most men that I've known aren't happy with the arrangements back home. They crib, complain and detest bindings. Maybe, we women are to be blamed for it. We fail to keep them bonded, attracted and most important, interested.
Over the years, we live with them in the faint hope of transforming them as per our dimensions. When the truth is that when we don’t have the power to change ourselves how can we expect to change others? And why even make an effort is something that I fail to understand? The personality traits that attracted us to them in the first place become unbearable after a certain period of time. We struggle to better those and instead make our lives a big struggle. We build a chain of do’s and don’ts which gets too suffocative with time. When a pet hates to be chained how can we do the same to our loved ones?
Time to think, women!
• When a thing of beauty is to be admired, why do we stop the men to admire other women? Or create a big ruckus if they are caught in the act? Come on gals, don’t you love the adulation of being admired? Why then deny the same privilege to other women? And do remember, if your relationship is strong, the act of viewing doesn’t have the capacity to shake it. They will stare and come back to you because men are men, they will see whether you like it or not. But at the end, you’re their chosen one. Don’t ever forget that!
• Every individual has the right to enjoy. Your man is human too. Set him free so that he can party with his friends all by himself. Male bonding is imperative to a man’s growth. You too can build your own circle of friends and enjoy some female bonding. Just because he is with you doesn’t mean he should boycott others. Chances are the space that you give him will make him miss you more letting him keep coming back to you.
• He has no control over how his family feels about you. He isn’t a party to it and their opinions about you are entirely theirs. Just the way you don’t possess any special power about changing the opinions of your folks regarding him. If anybody can do that it is you and only you. Only you can make his family like or dislike you. The choice is yours to make an effort towards it and if doesn’t force you to do anything, you too shouldn't make him work hard to score points. Too many people can come between you two and common sense tells you to avoid it.
• His job is important for both him and you. It does have an effect on your standard of living too. If he has steep deadlines to follow, he doesn’t have any control over the time-frame ditto your situation when the biggies bully you to run through multiple assignments. It sucks your energy rendering you tired and when you go back, you crave for some peace of mind to renew the battle tomorrow. Your man deserves that too, so don’t make life difficult for him after he returns to the den. Don’t crib to give him sleepless nights.
• Men aren't good at multi-tasking. Wise people have written numerable bestsellers about it and you must have come across atleast one. But to remember it each time when your man fails to complete a task is quite a task for you. He isn’t as God-gifted as you are in juggling between office and home. Aren't we taught to be compassionate towards the weak? So exercise it and learn to forget that he forgets most things. Remember, his intentions were right because he loves his peace more than he loves you. And he has lived with you longer to know the impact of his forgetting to do the task will have on his peace. So surprise him by not shaking his world when he forgets to run an errand for you. Remind him again and hope for the best. Chances are that he will and still if he fails, do anything besides creating a scene when he comes back.
Let’s atleast try to make the world a better place for us and the men around. Because, if we succeed, men won’t jubilate when we aren't around. They will miss us and make every effort to have us back at the earliest.

I know it’s a big ask, but woman-we’re good at stiff tasks!

Pic Courtesy: Google Images

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