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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How old are you?

Women are never comfortable with age, most if not all. The moment you ask them about their age, there is a second of uncomfortable silence. They think and answer. Most give you a number which has remained static for the last five years. More you probe, more you run into trouble. Even the world around is not so kind to a aging woman. Numerous cosmetic products flood the market promising age-defying results. And the entire make believe world of ‘forever’ fool women to make a kill from their finances.
I, for once panicked two days back when I figured two grey strands pointing proudly towards me. Immediately, I pulled and dumped them out of view. Aging is a process beyond my control but the woman in me was trying to delay it. I would have continued feeling uncomfortable if I hadn’t chanced upon my yester year’s pictures. They were so crude with bushy eyebrows and outdated fashion. Then, I had no fashion sense with baby fat blooming to its best. The chubby cheeks earned me the tag of ‘golu’ rendering me a featureless face. No wonder, I attracted a lot of negative publicity with guys calling me ‘fatso’.
With every passing year, my pictures had a better story to tell. I was shedding the weight, with lots of effort, offcourse. Even the wild tresses were getting manageable, though they still have a mind of their own. The facial features were gaining prominence with the baby fat dissolving with age. My awareness contributed towards the diminishing volume of the eyebrows. Overall, age was treating me well. And sometimes I did manage few comments like ‘hot’ on my way. Made me offended at first go but then, the heart took a generous leap. Hey, I am getting better, folks!
I do believe that age is treating me well. I look better and behave better too. My perseverance level has gone up by zillions. My jean’s size has climbed down by several numbers. I can go clubbing without an identity card. My pay cheque is climbing uphill too. My writing skills are getting better with more life experiences. People take me more seriously because I make better sense.
Age is not that bad if you leave it alone. So let it grow and shower it generously on you. And next time somebody asks ‘how old are you’? Tell them the truth, nothing but the truth.

Pic Courtesy: Google Images

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