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Monday, January 13, 2014

M is a word!

The daily newspaper quoted an incident of a famous celebrity recommending her son to another, not for business but business of the heart. In simpler terms, wants her son to date her recently single colleague with a kid.
Wow! Wish the same could happen to our mothers in India. Because many relationships still break in the country as the mother refuses to give her approval. And this is not typical of the middle class but celebrities too. A mother always finds her creation-the very best and nothing but the best would work for her child. This is a universal fact, more so in India where mothers are difficult to please. Gone are the days when only women had to work hard to win the approvals. These days even my opposite sex isn’t spared of the extra work like the recent example of a colleague who refused the guy (after three years of being together) as her mother didn’t like him.
So, guys and gals if you want to take your relationship to the next level, be very prepared to keep the mother of your partner in your good books. Gift her, run errands for her, accompany her, learn a new skill or even drench her with compliments…do what you can to win her on your side. If you do the hard work in the beginning, chances are you’ll sail through any problem with her being the captain of your ship. The fathers are the head of an Indian family but they are pretty powerless within their household. When they can’t win for themselves you just can’t expect them to lead a campaign for you. Before you criticize the fathers, don’t forget your own. Has your dad ever been able to work his decision without the support of his wife (your mom)? Remember, when he needed his wife’s support to grill you in school? If you were your mommy’s favourite then one look of hers would render him forgetting his much rehearsed line to reprimand you, remember?
Take lessons from your own household and use it to your best. Mother is more important than the father, life says so. Many people have been able to reduce the “mother-in-law menace” stereotype with sheer common sense and team building exercises. They might forget to remember the important dates in their lives but sets series of reminders to remind the prominent dates in the mother-in-law life. They diligently call her, buys gift and even take them on abroad holidays to keep her on their side.
The fact is that our mother India isn’t so cool about your choice of partner, the reason behind most television soap operas depicting hostile characters which are extremely popular too. The day mothers are won maybe these soap operas will stop scaring us. Maybe this is a good incentive for you to work on your relationship with your partner’s mother, if everything else has stopped you from trying anymore. Think of the greater good, a nation spared the monotony of over-decked, manipulative and shrewd portrayal of mothers-in-law in the mass media, which is just too much to digest. So be sacrificing and work towards a better nation!

Pic Courtesy: Google Images

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