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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy wala luv

On popular demand, this time a happy one. So happy that this will make you cry with joy.
There’s a love story with a happy ending. Boy interviewed the girl, gave her the job. She reported to him for days at a stretch. They met to discuss work. They discussed briefs which were too brief. Discussions became endless as did the projects. From one night out to another followed. Then one day, when the work happened till the wee hours, he dropped her home. Soon the late nights became a routine and he kept dropping her back. She started enjoying the ride and he, her company.
The days she wouldn’t come to office, he found the days a little too long to carry. The deadlines a little too tight and the irritation level a little too high. One day when she dropped her resignation letter for a better offer, the realization dawned on him. He was happy for her because the break was good and didn’t want to stop her. But something felt miserable. The fear of not seeing her face every morning shook him heavily. Yet, he didn’t know how to address the problem. After all, he was the boss and bosses are never known to miss their subordinates. He decided to take a break to fix his mind.
He was missing for almost a week then. She started missing him. His instructions, his bossism, his criticism of her work and everything about him. Bosses are never missed but why this misery within? She kept wondering and no answer came. She didn’t want to call him and he wasn’t willing to be disturbed. The deadlock was too much to handle. And everyone around them could feel the heat.
The colleagues decided that the situation was grim and getting grimmer with temperatures soaring high. Something needed to be done immediately for the larger goodness of humankind. A genius came with an idea to set them on a date without letting them know. The boss was requested to meet a client on an emergency basis at an upmarket restaurant. The girl was called to meet a client as emergency filler due to the boss’s absenteeism on the same restaurant. Both went and found each other waiting for the same client. The client didn’t show up but they made the most of the opportunity given. No proposal was made yet they knew that they were tied for life. They started seeing each other and the office suddenly became a better place to live.
She left the old to join the new office. And they started being with each other through the malls, movies, exhibitions, restaurants etc. More they met, more they wanted to meet each other. They wanted to wake up to each other and spend the rest of their lives together. Marriage was inevitable. They did marry against all odds.
Today, he watches her sleep like a baby. She listens to the comforting snores without which sleep refuses to embrace her. They fight a lot but still can’t live without talking to each other. When he shouts, she listens and when she erupts he discreetly disappears from the scene. But what matters most is that they can’t think of a life without each other.
He wakes up much before her. And before he goes to work, his job is to fix her tea and breakfast. Sometimes when she oversleeps and gets ready in a hurry. He even feeds her like his baby. She checks on him to find out if he hasn’t skipped his lunch. She lets him party but gets worried if he has overindulged. Babies never came in to the story because fate never let them have one. Yet, they don’t miss having one because they have learnt to babysit each other.
Are you all happy now?

Pic courtesy: Google

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