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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If n Me

“If” is a favourite with people who genuinely care about me. And they use it so generously with me that sometimes I really admire the inventor of this word. The world wouldn’t be what it is without the many “ifs” of our lives.

Deep down the memory lanes, I still hear my baba (read dad) uttering his favourite one-liner, “if only you listened to me”. Such was the magic of this word that it made me even more determined to never listen to him. Today, I do regret and tell myself, “if only I would have listened to him.”

Several times later I heard my teachers declaring in numerous meeting with the parents, “if only she could get out of the maths phobia…”. What it did to me is for everyone to witness. I developed an allergy towards the subject that till date I am left uncured off. My milkman, newspaper guy and the grocery fellow are the real winners for my inability to figure out simple calculations. No doubt, the newspaper guy bought a new bike. The milkman is a proud owner of a brand new car. As far as the grocery guy goes, safer to skip the part.

In more recent times, the hubby also gives me an extra large dosage of this word. His favourite being, “if only you would have controlled your temper”. And like every happily married couple, it usually doesn’t end at that. Obviously we fight. (Come on) the world should know we are married for life.

As far as self-introspection goes, I do admit that I often say to myself, “if only I would have studied that bit harder, if I had killer looks to get away with even a murder, if I was born earlier where there was less competition…”. I could go on till eternity.

Seriously, world wouldn’t had been a better place to live without the “IFS”.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Give me a break minus the Kitkat

One of those days when I seriously ponder about my choice of a career. Now, before you get me wrong, let me come out clean. I am a “Copywriter” and I love what I am doing. But most times I don’t get to do anything. Reasons are numerous and these are some that might make sense but most are incomprehensible:

Client has an undying passion to write which couldn’t get fulfilled in the pursuit of a lucrative career. So finds that this is the right channel to revive the undying hobby. (Now, I always knew that good luck doesn’t have a liking for me.)
The Art guy feels the copy is long and comes to his own conclusion that it demands an encroachment on specialization. So, takes the free hand (without my knowledge) to assault. (Although, I am the only one he pleads for when there is a mail to compose.)
“Who reads the copy anyways?” is my friendly Client’s comment. And after all he is paying to run the show. So off comes the scissor that literally tears away my labour of love and mindless hours of hardwork.
“The TG wouldn’t understand.” is the Servicing guy’s precious feedback that I should take professionally (nothing personal). Although he questions my creativity whenever his dwindling sale figures gifts him a backlash from the big brothers.
The big brother who is extremely market savvy (but hardly visits the market) and is the supreme blessed one. Knows the latest trend. So this month he has proclaimed “Two worded headlines” as victorious. Last month “Full two sentence headlines” were the trend. So anybody who mentions about market surveys now knows whom to contact.

Just few of the professional hazards. Everyone seems to write well apart from me. Who needs a copywriter in this world? Are you in the same boat as me? Do write then.