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If you're a woman, you already know where I am coming from. But if you're a man, well get to know now!
At 2, when a girl is stared at, she goes all out of her way to get the admiration of her starers. She shows him all the trick that mommy must have taught her. Tricks like blink your eyes. Come on, open your tongue. Hey, where is your nose? And there she points at it through her fingers. The ones with a little higher intellect goes out of their way to even finish the lines of nursery rhymes her mom is starting with.
At 12, when a girl is stared at, she throws her attitude and tells the world “Yes, I know I am pretty.” She fixes her dress and tries to remove that unseen crease on her dress. She spends that little extra minute on the mirror. Admires the new curves in her body and tells herself that she has arrived. But the very next minute promises never to put on that extra flab and look like her mom. She is pretty and she will never get middle-aged or old, she promises herself. Better die than be seen with excess baggage.
At 22, when a woman is stared at, she checks the guy carefully. She must have created her very own check-list by now and goes matching the points. She looks for his bank balance and the vehicle he rides. She tries to probe on the salary figure, basically how many digits does it have. She might even encourage him for few conversations to find out whether he is for keeps. Because at this point of life she needs to settle down and arranged marriage is just not her thing. Overall she checks him out too, to find whether he is a nice catch.
At 32, when a woman is stared at, she feels the need to take matters in her own hand. If she is still single, the pressure is too much to handle. She has no time to waste. Chances are that the starers himself might get stalked for a while till his credentials come out in the open. And if she is married or in a relationship, she goes home to tell the hubby or the boyfriend that her market value is still on the steeper side. Puts her imagination to best use and takes the incident a little wee further. And I am sure the opposite sex does feel that she is a trophy to keep. Or maybe he curses the starer for not kidnapping her and taking her home.
At 42, when a woman is stared at, she feels having an orgasm. Wow! She stares back and her eyes are that of gratitude. It gives her a high that is indisputable to women all across the globe. She feels that she does exist. Her heart sings to the same song of youth. She never misses to compliment herself that despite her turning out to be just like her mommy, she still looks good. So what if the layers of flab are happily settled in the ever-broadening waistline, people stop and still take notice.
At 52, when a woman is stared at, come on we women don't have such disillusions in life! We know that you mean to look at the flashy car we travel in. Or you must be staring at the impressive solitaires comfortably placed that we fleeced from the hubby after years of nagging.
You are just jealous of our social standings because you don't have one and how dare we have it?