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“But I kicked him out,” said she and giggled. “It is me who makes decision here and it is my way or I show them the highway,” she continued.
Now before you are too scared. Fear not. There are too many perks involved in being with her. And that is precisely the reason that she changes the men in her life with more ease than most women (like me) can afford new footwear. The best part is that there is no constraint. Age, religion, caste, marital status blah blah holds no bar. All she wants is just to live for the moment and have some good fun. And why not she doesn't need a man to support her? She is hot and not old. She is established. Sexually independentl and at times too much to handle.
The best part is that here is a woman who knows her mind. “I am not looking to marry them,” she clearly pronounces. Well, isn't she then every man's delight? But hey! Why do the exit happen at such regular intervals? Why does the search for the next man happen so random? Why does the sadness of loneliness and insecurity reflects in her eyes? Why is she the first one to come to work and the last to shut down (even when there is no work)? Why does her laughter never co-ordinate with her eyes?
Whoever thought that she is a rare specie, well, look harder. She is growing in numbers and statistics. She is the new, single woman. Afraid to commit. Scared to share her space. Madly in love with her independence. Yet doesn't have much hangs up to express her sexuality and fulfill her needs. Successful and intelligent. But alone, all alone...