Image courtesy: Google
Yesterday, the 19th of April was exactly the day I was born some years ago. I was never the one to celebrate it with much gusto rather I am so forgetful with dates that you got to believe me when I tell you that I even forgot mine again some years back. That time I was with mom who reminded me:
(a) Because I was her first child
(b) Because she bore me for 9 difficult months
(c) Because I wasn’t an easy delivery
This was the first time in life that I was away from anybody related through birth or otherwise. I anticipated with much apprehension of the tough day ahead. The entire month has not been particularly smooth for me so I had no high hopes from this particular day.
Yet, I was taken for some pleasant surprise. The friends in this city which snatched a lot from me pulled it through. And I scored high on my self-confidence. They made me feel special. They made me feel wanted. And most importantly they made me feel family. They showered me with messages. They kept my phone busy most of the time with random calls. Even went out of their way to lift my spirits. A special mention to M who left her own family to spend the night at my place. She even treated me to mouth-watering kebabs for dinner. Another M and her sons even offered to bake a cake for me. I refused though because my work stood on the way. Wishes came from every quarter of life and my phone kept ringing.
What would I’ve done without you guys? You’ll always remain special and you made me believe that I am not alone here.
As for those who didn’t wish me (some were eagerly awaited and I kept waiting just to hear their voices), I have no complaints. A pang of disappointment did surface but I guess I am too old to hold it against anyone.
Today, I am a day older and coming to terms with a lot of change.
Thank you all for being there and making my yesterday not so difficult to survive!